Mersin International Port Management
Mersin Uluslararası Liman İşletmeciliği A.Ş. (MIP), a joint venture between Akfen Holding and PSA International, took over T.C.D.D. Mersin Port Operation for 36 years on May 11, 2007.
Websitesi: https://www.mersinport.com.tr/tr
Assan Port Iskenderun
ASSAN PORT İskenderun was put into service at the end of 2010 by ASSAN LİMAN İŞLETMELERİ A.Ş., one of the companies of KİBAR HOLDING
Limak Port Iskenderun
As the name suggests, the construction concession of the region, which dates back to Alexander the Great (333 BC), was granted to the Anatolia-Baghdad Railways Company in 1909.
Websitesi: http://www.limakports.com.tr/tr