
Courtesy Visit to Limak Port by ITSO

"Iskenderun Port is one of the most important ports in the Middle East" 
Members of the board of directors of Iskenderun Chamber of Commerce and Industry met with Mehmet Ünlü, Deputy Director of Limak Port and officials.
Content text: "Iskenderun Port is one of the most important ports in the Middle East" 
Members of the board of directors of Iskenderun Chamber of Commerce and Industry came together with Mehmet Ünlü, Deputy Director of Limak Port, and officials.
Cem Erdoğrul, General Manager of Kahramanmaraş Temsan Makine Mümessillik A.Ş., who came to İskenderun with the invitation of İTSO, also visited Limak Port within the scope of the visit and received information from the authorized units about İskenderun Port activities.
ITSO President Levent Hakkı Yılmaz, in his speech during the visit, said, "We invited Mr. Cem Erdoğrul, whom we visited in Kahramanmaraş in the past days, to our city. On this day, we wanted to visit our Champion Filte Factory and then İskenderun Port. İskenderun Port has an important place in the economy of our region and we see that it has rapidly increased its capacity especially in container and transit transportation in recent years. We wish you success in your work."
Cem Erdoğrul, General Manager of Kahramanmaraş Temsan Makine Mümessillik A.Ş., emphasized that İskenderun has an important potential with its industry and port.

During the visit of the ITSO management, Iskenderun Port and the regional economy were discussed.
Expressing his satisfaction for the visit, Mehmet Ünlü, Deputy Director of Limak Prot, stated that Iskenderun Port has an important potential for our region and the Middle East; "As Limak Holding, we are carrying out important works. We all know very well the density of the ships coming to Iskenderun Port between 1980-1990 and the benefits it provided to the regional economy. At that time, Iskenderun tradesmen were also in a very good situation due to the active operation of the port. We are making efforts to bring back those days. We have bilateral meetings and visits with neighboring countries in the Middle East. Serious progress has been made on these issues. When we look at this in technical terms, we have the space to increase our 1 million feather container handling up to 3 million feathers. This is possible with transit loads in the region. As Limak Port, we are trying to remind Iskenderun Port in Iran, Iraq and other Middle Eastern countries. We believe that infrastructure should be created in this regard. We expect the ITSO management to take part in the works that will mobilize the economy of our region together with us. Until 1 year, we expect serious movements in our region. Iskenderun is strategically located at a very important point. Being close to the Middle East is very important for our region. We are willing to bring all of these cargoes. Apart from the cargoes coming to other ports, we are working to bring the cargoes that have never come here."
During the visit to Limak Port, ITSO President Levent Hakkı Yılmaz, ITSO Assembly President Okan Belli, ITSO Vice President Muhsin Yeter, ITSO Accountant member Gassan Kuran, ITSO board members Selma Yılmaz, ITSO Secretary General Figen Gül Dönmez, İskenderun Technical University Materials and Metallurgical Engineering Department Lecturer. Dr. Ersin Bahçeci took place.

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