Minister of Trade Mehmet Muş held a consultation meeting with Hatay's business people in Iskenderun and made inspections at Iskenderun Port.
Content text: Minister of Trade Mehmet Muş held a consultation meeting with Hatay's business people in Iskenderun and made inspections at Iskenderun Port.
Minister Muş met with business people at a meeting held at a hotel within the scope of his program in Hatay.
Muş, who met with industrialists and business people at the meeting closed to the press, was accompanied by Hatay Governor Rahmi Doğan, AK Parti Hatay Deputies Hüseyin Yayman, Abdulkadir Özel, Hacı Bayram Türkoğlu, Sabahat Özgürsoy Çelik, Hüseyin Şanverdi, Provincial Governor Adem Yeşildal, Mayor Fatih Tosyalı.
Minister Muş said, "We listened to the problems of our entrepreneurs, investors and tradesmen. We received their opinions and suggestions.",
Daha sonra Limakport İskenderun Liman sahasında incelemelerde bulunan Bakan Muş, Limak Holding Yönetim Kurulu Üyesi İsmail Kerem Güzel ve Limakport İskenderun Genel Müdür Yardımcısı Mehmet Ünlü’den Liman hakkında bilgiler aldı.
Gümrük Muhafaza teknesi ile denize açılan Bakan Mehmet Muş incelemelerin sonunda geçtiğimiz aylarda Gümrük Muhafaza Kaçakçılık ve İstihbarat Müdürlüğünce İskenderun Limanı’nda ele geçirilen 1 tonluk uyuşturucu operasyonunu gerçekleştiren görevlilerle hatıra fotoğrafı çektirdi.
Afterwards, the Minister Muş examined the Limakport İskenderun Port area and received information about the Port from Limak Holding Board Member İsmail Kerem Güzel and Limakport İskenderun Assistant General Manager Mehmet Ünlü.
At the end of the inspections, Minister Mehmet Muş, who sailed with the Customs Enforcement boat, took a souvenir photo with the officers who carried out the 1 ton drug operation seized by the Customs Enforcement Smuggling and Intelligence Directorate at the İskenderun Port.